I really enjoyed this, although parts of it gave me very mixed emotions. Above all, she's supposed to look out for a new classmate of hers, Kakeru, who will commit suicide by riding his bike in front of a car in the winter of his 17th year. It tells her what's going to happen each day, her future self's regrets, and what she needs to do to make things better. She thinks it's weird and some kind of prank, at first, except that everything it says keeps coming true. The story: Sixteen-year-old Naho receives a letter from herself 10 years into the future. I suppose it could be considered science fiction due to its thread about parallel universes, but it read more like drama that had the potential to be a tear-jerker.

I went into this with vague memories that the reviewer had loved it, and also that it was maybe science fiction. If I had paid better attention, I'd have realized that "complete collection" didn't mean that the series was complete in this one volume - instead, it's an omnibus edition with one more volume after it.

Unfortunately, I saw the "complete collection" part and didn't look closely enough before requesting the volume. I can't remember which one or who wrote it. This is another manga that made it onto my TBR list because of some review I came across a while back. Another vacation read review, so expect major spoilers after the break.